PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 6.46.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 3

apps :: insourcing :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 23

apps :: insourcing :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/config/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'key'. 31
EmptyControlStatement Empty for statement 3133

apps :: insourcing :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/model/

Rule Violation Line
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 7982
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 103106

apps :: insourcing :: Diffusion Limited Aggregation - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/dla/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'diffusionLimitedAggregation'. 21

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 31

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 31

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'complexNumberForJuliaSetC'. 26
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'complexCenterForZoomedMandelbrot'. 45
UnusedPrivateMethod Avoid unused private methods such as 'getComplexNumberFromLatticeCoordsForZoomedMandelbrot(Point)'. 111

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'separator'. 45

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 31

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 31

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'args'. 22
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'simulatedEvolutionTab'. 28
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 36

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/application/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused method parameters such as 'label'. 77

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/layouts/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'target'. 17

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'private' on constructor 'Orientation(int, int)': enum constructors are implicitly private 3032

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 31

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 31

apps :: legacy :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/cyclic/cellular/automaton/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 26

apps :: legacy :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/cyclic/cellular/automaton/config/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'key'. 37
EmptyControlStatement Empty for statement 3739

apps :: legacy :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/cyclic/cellular/automaton/model/

Rule Violation Line
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 8386
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 107110

apps :: legacy :: Diffusion Limited Aggregation - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/dla/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'diffusionLimitedAggregation'. 22

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 31

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/model/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'frame'. 35

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 20
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 28

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateMethod Avoid unused private methods such as 'getComplexNumberFromLatticeCoordsForJulia(Point)'. 91

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 17
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 25

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'simulatedEvolutionTab'. 24
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 34

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/config/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused method parameters such as 'label'. 81

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/model/cell/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'private' on constructor 'Orientation(int, int)': enum constructors are implicitly private 3537

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/view/layouts/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'target'. 25

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'configFileName'. 89
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'jarFilePath'. 90

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/application/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused method parameters such as 'label'. 80

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/layouts/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'target'. 16

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/dla/control/

Rule Violation Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 64

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/randomwalk/control/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessarySemicolon Unnecessary semicolon 45

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/randomwalk/views/

Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'randomWalkTab'. 19

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/control/

Rule Violation Line
UselessOverridingMethod Overriding method merely calls super 5456

Priority 4

apps :: insourcing :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/config/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 26

apps :: insourcing :: Diffusion Limited Aggregation - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/dla/view/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 55

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 106

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 9193
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 9698
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 105108
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 111
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 111114

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/kochsnowflake/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 42

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/kochsnowflake/model/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'KochSnowflakeTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 24

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 81
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 93
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 108

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 99101
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 104106
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 113
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 113116
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 119
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 119122

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 3

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 42

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/model/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'Mandelbrot2JuliaState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 23

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 81
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 93
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 108

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 98100
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 103105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 112
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 112115
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 118121
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 118

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrotzoom/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 42

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrotzoom/model/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'MandelbrotZoomTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 24

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrotzoom/ui/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 11
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 12

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 106

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 9193
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 9698
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 105108
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 111
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 111114

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/sierpinskitriangle/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 3
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 44

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/sierpinskitriangle/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 3
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/sierpinskitriangle/model/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'SierpinskiTriangleTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 26

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/application/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.util.jar.JarEntry' 16
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.util.jar.JarFile' 17

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/layouts/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.awt.*' 4
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 5

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 102
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 103
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 103

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/tabs/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 3
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.util.concurrent.Future' 5

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 3
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 5
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 6

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 13

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 121
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 121
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 128
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 128

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/population/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 49

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 106

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 9193
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 9698
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 105108
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 111
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 111114

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/turmite/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 42

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/turmite/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialArray' 3

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/turmite/model/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'TurmiteTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 26

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 106

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 9193
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 9698
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 105108
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 111114
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 111

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/wator/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 3
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 44

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/wator/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 3
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/wator/model/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'WatorTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 26

apps :: legacy :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/cyclic/cellular/automaton/config/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 32

apps :: legacy :: Diffusion Limited Aggregation - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/dla/view/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 55

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/config/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 29

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 82
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 94
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 109

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 104106
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 109111
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 119
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 119122
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 125128
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 125

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 36
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 36
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 94
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 94

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/view/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 54

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/view/state/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'ApplicationState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 21

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/config/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 36

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 82
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 94
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 109

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 101103
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 106108
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 115118
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 115
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 121124
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 121

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 36
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 36
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 94
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 94

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/view/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 52

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/config/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 35

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 81
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 93
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 108

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 98100
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 103105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 112
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 112115
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 118
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 118121

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/model/state/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'ApplicationState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 24

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 35
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 35
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 93
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 93

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/view/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 44

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/model/cell/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 125
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 125
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 132
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 132

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/model/lattice/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 106
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 107
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 107

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/model/population/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 55

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/view/layouts/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.awt.*' 4

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 11

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/layouts/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.awt.*' 4

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 102
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 103
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 103

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialArray' 3
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 82
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 94
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 109

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 98100
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 103105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 112
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 112115
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 118121
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 118

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/widgets/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 11

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/model/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 69
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 70

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/views/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 11

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/dla/canvas/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 99

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/canvas/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 71

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/model/state/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'MandelbrotTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 23

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/model/turing/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 91

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/canvas/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'java.awt.Color' due to existing import 'java.awt.*' 15

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/config/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 11

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/cell/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 79

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/cell/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 72
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 72
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 98
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 98
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 109
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 109
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 117
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 117

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/cell/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 7071
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 70
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 71
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 9798
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 97
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 98

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/population/

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 10

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/world/

Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 80


apps :: insourcing :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 23

apps :: insourcing :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/config/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 26
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'key'. 3 31
EmptyControlStatement Empty for statement 3 3133

apps :: insourcing :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 7982
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 103106

apps :: insourcing :: Diffusion Limited Aggregation - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/dla/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'diffusionLimitedAggregation'. 3 21

apps :: insourcing :: Diffusion Limited Aggregation - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/dla/view/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 55

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 31

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 106

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 9193
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 9698
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 105108
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 111
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 111114

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/kochsnowflake/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 42

apps :: insourcing :: Koch Snowflake - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/kochsnowflake/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'KochSnowflakeTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 4 24

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 31

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 81
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 93
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 108

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'complexNumberForJuliaSetC'. 3 26
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'complexCenterForZoomedMandelbrot'. 3 45
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 99101
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 104106
UnusedPrivateMethod Avoid unused private methods such as 'getComplexNumberFromLatticeCoordsForZoomedMandelbrot(Point)'. 3 111
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 113
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 113116
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 119
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 119122

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 3

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 42

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'separator'. 3 45

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'Mandelbrot2JuliaState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 4 23

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 31

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 81
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 93
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 108

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 98100
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 103105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 112
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 112115
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 118121
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 118

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrotzoom/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 42

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrotzoom/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'MandelbrotZoomTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 4 24

apps :: insourcing :: Mandelbrot :: Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrotzoom/ui/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 11
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 12

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 31

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 106

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 9193
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 9698
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 105108
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 111
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 111114

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/sierpinskitriangle/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 3
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 44

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/sierpinskitriangle/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 3
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 4

apps :: insourcing :: Sierpinski Triangle - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/sierpinskitriangle/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 4
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'SierpinskiTriangleTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 4 26

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'args'. 3 22
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'simulatedEvolutionTab'. 3 28
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 36

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/application/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused method parameters such as 'label'. 3 77

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/application/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.util.jar.JarEntry' 4 16
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.util.jar.JarFile' 4 17

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/layouts/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.awt.*' 4 4
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 5
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'target'. 3 17

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 102
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 103
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 103

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/tabs/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 3
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.util.concurrent.Future' 4 5

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 3
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 5
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 6

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 13

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 121
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 121
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 128
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 128

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'private' on constructor 'Orientation(int, int)': enum constructors are implicitly private 3 3032

apps :: insourcing :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/population/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 49

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 31

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 106

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 9193
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 9698
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 105108
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 111
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 111114

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/turmite/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 42

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/turmite/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialArray' 4 3

apps :: insourcing :: Turmite - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/turmite/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 4
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'TurmiteTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 4 26

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 31

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 106

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 9193
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 9698
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 105108
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 111114
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 111

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/wator/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 3
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 44

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/wator/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 3
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 4

apps :: insourcing :: WaTor - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/wator/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 4
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'WatorTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 4 26

apps :: legacy :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/cyclic/cellular/automaton/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 26

apps :: legacy :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/cyclic/cellular/automaton/config/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 32
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'key'. 3 37
EmptyControlStatement Empty for statement 3 3739

apps :: legacy :: Cyclic Cellular Automaton - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/cyclic/cellular/automaton/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 8386
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 107110

apps :: legacy :: Diffusion Limited Aggregation - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/dla/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'diffusionLimitedAggregation'. 3 22

apps :: legacy :: Diffusion Limited Aggregation - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/dla/view/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 55

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 23
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 31

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/config/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 29

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'frame'. 3 35

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 82
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 94
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 109

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 104106
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 109111
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 119
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 119122
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 125128
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 125

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 36
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 36
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 94
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 94

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/view/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 54

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot to Julia - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/julia/view/state/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'ApplicationState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 4 21

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 20
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 28

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/config/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 36

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 82
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 94
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 109

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateMethod Avoid unused private methods such as 'getComplexNumberFromLatticeCoordsForJulia(Point)'. 3 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 101103
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 106108
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 115118
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 115
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 121124
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 121

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 36
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 36
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 94
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 94

Mandelbrot Zoom - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/zoom/view/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 52

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'frame'. 3 17
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 25

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/config/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 35

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 81
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 93
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 108

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 98100
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 103105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 112
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 112115
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 118
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 118121

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/model/state/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'ApplicationState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 4 24

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 35
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 35
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 93
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 93

apps :: legacy :: Mandelbrot - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/mandelbrot/view/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 44

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'simulatedEvolutionTab'. 3 24
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'application'. 3 34

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/config/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused method parameters such as 'label'. 3 81

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/model/cell/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 125
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 125
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 132
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 132

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/model/cell/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'private' on constructor 'Orientation(int, int)': enum constructors are implicitly private 3 3537

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/model/lattice/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 106
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 107
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 107

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/model/population/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 55

apps :: legacy :: Simulated Evolution - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/simulated/evolution/view/layouts/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.awt.*' 4 4
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'target'. 3 25

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 11
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'configFileName'. 3 89
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'jarFilePath'. 3 90

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/application/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused method parameters such as 'label'. 3 80

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/layouts/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'java.awt.*' 4 4
UnusedFormalParameter Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'target'. 3 16

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 102
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 103
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 103

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import 'javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialArray' 4 3
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 82
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 94
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 109

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/model/fractal/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 98100
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 103105
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 112
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 112115
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 118121
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 118

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/commons/widgets/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 11

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/model/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 69
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 70

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/cca/views/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 11

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/dla/canvas/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 99

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/dla/control/

Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 64

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/canvas/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 71

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/model/state/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'MandelbrotTabState.MANDELBROT' due to existing static import '*' 4 23

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/mandelbrot2julia/model/turing/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 33
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 91

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/randomwalk/control/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessarySemicolon Unnecessary semicolon 3 45

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/randomwalk/views/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'randomWalkTab'. 3 19

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/canvas/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'java.awt.Color' due to existing import 'java.awt.*' 4 15

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/config/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unnecessary import from the current package '' 4 11

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/control/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessOverridingMethod Overriding method merely calls super 3 5456

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/cell/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 79

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/cell/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 72
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 72
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 98
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 98
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 109
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 109
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 117
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 117

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/cell/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 7071
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 70
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 71
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 9798
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 97
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 98

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/population/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryImport Unused import '' 4 10

Computer Kurzweil :: App - org/woehlke/computer/kurzweil/tabs/simulatedevolution/model/world/

Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 79
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 80