Computer Kurzweil

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Computer Science Infotainment.

A Tribute to the “Computer Kurzweil” named Article Series in Spektrum der Wissenschaft which is the german release of Scientific American. The Article Series “Computer Kurzweil” were also published as Books.

Content: Cellular Automata, Fractal Geometry, Artficial Life, Simulation, Automata and Turing Machines, Systems Theory.

Table of Content:

  • Mandelbrot: Computing the Edge of the Mandelbrot Set with a Turing Machine
  • Simulated Evolution
  • Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA)
  • Cyclic Cellular Automaton (CCA).
  • More to follow

Computing the Edge of the Mandelbrot Set with a Turing Machine

Computing the Area outside the Mandelbrot Set

The Mandelbrot set is the set of values of c in the complex plane for which the orbit of 0 under iteration of the complex quadratic polynomial z_(n+1)=z_n^2+c remains bounded.

That is, a complex number c is part of the Mandelbrot set if, when starting with z0 = 0 and applying the iteration repeatedly, the absolute value of zn remains bounded however large n gets. More…

Simulated Evolution

Early Screen

Green food appears in a world with red moving cells. These cells eat the food if it is on their position. Movement of the cells depends on random and their DNA. A fit cellConf moves around and eats enough to reproduce. Reproduction is done by splitting the cellConf and randomly changing the DNA of the two new Cells. If a cellConf doesn't eat enough, it will first stand still and after a while it dies. More…

Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA)

The Dendrite after a while

Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) is the process whereby particles undergoing a random walk due to Brownian motion cluster together to form aggregates of such particles.

This theory, proposed by T.A. Witten Jr. (not to be confused with Edward Witten) and L.M. Sander in 1981, is applicable to aggregation in any system where diffusion is the primary means of transport in the system. DLA can be observed in many systems such as electrodeposition, Hele-Shaw flow, mineral deposits, and dielectric breakdown.

The clusters formed in DLA processes are referred to as Brownian trees. These clusters are an example of a fractal. More…

Cyclic Cellular Automaton (CCA)

Later Screen

The cyclic cellular automaton is a cellular automaton rule developed by David Griffeath and studied by several other cellular automaton researchers. In this system, each cellConf remains unchanged until some neighboring cellConf has a modular value exactly one unit larger than that of the cellConf itself, at which point it copies its neighbor's value. One-dimensional cyclic cellular automata can be interpreted as systems of interacting particles, while cyclic cellular automata in higher dimensions exhibit complex spiraling behavior.

A random filled 2d lattice of cells with a cyclic rule to change state of a cell depending on the direct neighbour cells. After a while spirals occour in the lattice. Rules are only defined for the behaviour of a the cells, so these Spirals ahow a Meta-Behaviour of the System. This may be a very simplified computational Model for Crystallization Processes in Nature and
Concentration in Business and Social inequality in free market situations.


Koch Snowflake


Same Game


Sierpinski Triangle









Java Package and Subdirectory Title Java Class Prefix
cca Cyclic Cellular Automaton CCA CyclicCellularAutomaton
dla Diffusion-limited aggregation DLA DiffusionLimitedAggregation
gameoflive Conways Game of Life ConwaysGameOfLife
kochsnowflake Koch Snowflake KochSnowflake
mandelbrot Mandelbrot Mandelbrot
randomwalk Random Walk RandomWalk
samegame Same Game SameGame
sierpinskitriangle Sierpinski Triangle SierpinskiTriangle
simulatedevolution Simulated Evolution SimulatedEvolution
tetris Tetris Tetris
turmite Turmite Turmite
wator Wa-Tor WaTor

Projects for whole Application

Status Project
OK Development
BUG DevOps
OK Gui Layout
BUG Better Thread Model - with Threadpool, Fork, Join

Projects for Tabs

Status Tab
OK CyclicCellularAutomaton
OK Random Walk
BLOCKED DiffusionLimitedAggregation
BUG SimulatedEvolution
BLOCKED Mandelbrot Set
PLANNING Koch Snowflake
PLANNING Sierpinski Triangle
PLANNING Conways Game of Life

Projects for Single Apps

Status Tab
OK CyclicCellularAutomaton
OK Random Walk
BLOCKED DiffusionLimitedAggregation
BUG SimulatedEvolution
BLOCKED Mandelbrot Set
PLANNING Koch Snowflake
PLANNING Sierpinski Triangle
PLANNING Conways Game of Life

Table Legend

Status Description
OK Tab is running without Errors
BUG Tab is running with Errors
BLOCKED Tab started but is not running
CRASHED Tab is not starting
INACTIVE Tab is not in TabPlane
PLANNING Research and Preparation


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© 2020 Thomas Wöhlke